I was destroyed by the Sun today. Even running at a slow pace becomes difficult. I couldn't run continuously for the required 2hrs. Walked at 1:40. Ahhh.... Give up. The sun is just bad, evil. I shall avoid it.
Ah, and I've learnt the hard way that bikes (and also boats) have to be maintained as often as possible if you want their shine to last. I think at least once a week. Today I brought down the bare frame of my TCR for a wash....... And it looked exactly the same -_-'' . There was no removing of any of the blackstain marks unless I was going to use scotch brite to rub of the layers of clear coat and paint again. Well I could do that then try to put on turtle wax, but in my opinion turtle wax is really just a cosmetic layer that'll prob just fall off right away in face of the elements.
Ok, maybe I shall touch up my other 2 bikes later. My, this is taking quite some time.