
Monday, July 28, 2008

The past 2 days have been debilitating. It's another one of those times when you feel kinda empty because something ended. My centralised training ended, and I'm looking to keeping and improving the current running form. Yesterday afternoon's run showed my apparent weakness once again. I intended for a 2 hr run, but ended up walking after 1hr 30mins. There was really no point in pushing, cos the tiredness came from my knees. It was just a feeling of over use, and I believe pushing it further would only result in imjury.

Then this afternoon, I went cycling for the first time in about 3 weeks. Even during IA, I only cycled about once every fortnight. Today's ride was truly debilitating. My speed was noticeably slower than before and the more I rode, the weaker I became. I was glad to reach home after then 2hr 30mins. But even after some refreshements it was weird as I was still feeling kinda faint. Even lunch didn't really help. The then bed did the trick I suppose. But considering that I slept 8 hrs prior to cycling I wonder what's wrong.

And oh yah, my bike was creaking the entire ride. Wonder what's up with the drive train. Or perhaps it's just the pedals? I wonder.