
Monday, May 19, 2008

It's been sometime since I updated. I was pretty pressed meeting deadlines at the start of the month, and have since taken a short breather in terms of work. Think I could have handlded some matters better. Hmm. But outside of work, time spent on HR and riding my bike has been replaced with a last minute running programme in prep for Sundown.

It was so far so good, until the past 3 runs, where I'm pretty convinced my right Illiotibial Band (aka ITB) is going to get inflammed at the knee joint if I persist. Basically I've been running for about 1 week++, 5 times a week, 1 day rest and one day as a lab rat for DSO. And yes, realising that I'm not some bionical machine, I have PUT ASIDE my bicycle for the time being.

Man, the DSO trials are not easy. And I think they are changing my physiology somewhat as a result. Most noticeably I feel considerably slower and spasticated (is there such a word) when doing fast paced strides or cycles. Or perhaps it's just the lingering effect of flu which should have passed, but hasn't? Or maybe an outside chance is that I have mononucleosis. Ha ha. Who knows? But probably not since they didn't call me back after my re-blood test for leukocyctosis.

Alright, 12 days to sundown, but looks like i might have to stop running due to the irritating ITB. Was semi-crippled twice in army due to this, and experience tells me a rest of about 1.5 weeks should cure it. Ha ha, just in time for sundown. Perhaps I will use my bike again to cross train? Which bring me to the next point: What's with the red bike in the previous post?

Yeah, I've done it again! I am getting ANOTHER bicycle! And this time, there is NO GOOD REASON for doing so! Basically I already have one bike for training and commuting, and another for racing. But now this new bike is purely for fun! Ok, there is an outside possiblity of using it for touring, but that will be much much later. I shall give more details another day, but for now, I'm still struggling to get things together. Basically some issues with the brake cables, and the chain length / gear ratio. Sigh. That's what I get especially when on a budget and attempting to put to use my old parts. Crap, no I don't even have a commuter any more because I transfered the brake calipers to the other bike...

Back to work tomorrow. Somethings are overdue.