
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Last night I embarassed myself over my careless lab reporting / data analysis... basically I made many many careless mistakes and my zealous groupmates went all out to set things right. -_-'' . Eg. Copied 37600 as 36800 and used for calculation... Divided by 0.000001 instead of 0.0000001 in my very first calculation that affected all calculations later... swapped values of y and x axis in my plot...etc. Seems like I'm not really in the right frame of mind yet! But I'll get into the act soon! Argh!

Anyways today's flu improved slightly in the afternoon and my short run left me with good sensations. Seems like short 30 minute runs can really work wonders. Gets the body tuned into the running mode. Cycling doesn't seem to help running much. Then again, I can't remember when was the last time I truly went cycling!!!! I think it was last last last wednesday O_o".

Crap.... I shall deal with it in the one week between AHM and Ironman70.3. Swimming will figure itself out on the day I suppose...? Hmmmm. Oh well.

Haven't paddled for a week and counting.