ARGH, I spent the day doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! =( Felt a bit fluish so I dropped any ideas of training. I was fiddling with my aerobar armrests and stupidly twisted the mounting screw into 2... It's so soft I suspect it's made of aluminium. Anyways my ploy to go down to the Oakley City Duathlon Race Expo to buy cheap powergels failed, cos I went there and there was like nothing more than a registration booth! What a disappointment, but anyways I made the best of the trip by making a trip to Yong Seng screws on the way back to get the replacement screw for my aerobar armrests. Not too bad, $1 for the 2 screws with extremely quick service.
Anyways, I rediscovered my brother's camera (actually it nobody's in particular, but he's used it so much it's like his). So maybe I'll put up more pictures next time, if i feel in the mode to lug it around the place...
For starters, I'm using it to check out my TT position:
Something seems different from Lance Armstrong below:

Or Norman Stadler in the previous post.... Hmmm....