Spent the past few days just going to school and feeling tired. No training, and still have slight flu sensations. Some people around me have like recurring flu, and it's not exactly very encouraging when I sit next to them for like 4 hours and they sneeze, cough and make sniffing noises throughout.... I was perpetually reduced to breathing through my jacket for the last hour, but I wonder if that helps.

Anyways this is pretty much all the equipment I'm bringing. Not packed into the respective swim bag, bike bag and run bag yet.... Tomorrow I have to check in my bike and run bag though, so the agenda tomorrow morning will be to clean and service the bike first.
Yes, I am No. 178, and will be a light blue / dark blue / white tri suit on Sunday! Wonder how it feels like to have supporters! Ha ha....
My wave starts from carpark ECP F2 at 7:25 and I'll prob take 45 mins to swim and say 5 mins to transit so I'll be on the bike at 8:15. And I will ride 12km before I reach the floating pontoon area which will take... 20 mins hopefully so 8:35 I should be there. Then every 20km I will be back there, which hopefully again will be 33min intervals. So I hopefully (but quite unlikely to be honest) will finish the cycle in 2:30 and be at the transition at 11:05. Then 5 min transit to run and a 1:45 (hopefully again) 21km... So I should be done by 12:55pm... Time for lunch... Yeah, it means that I will take 5:30 mins, which is over my initial target by a whopping 30 mins.... But honestly, after last week's AHM I've realised I don't have it. If I did a 1:30 instead of a 1:35, then maybe I can try.... I'll try my best anyways.
The above timings are just blind estimates which perhaps +- 10 mins... haha.
From the grandstand / floating pontoon area, you can see the competitors pass you a total of 4 times on the bike, then go into transition, then 3 times on the run, then finish! And supposedly there is this IronmanLive thingy that updates the locations and timings of people at the checkpoints... But I dunno where you can see such information...
Well, I got all this info from the briefing I just went. Indeed there were a lot of people... Apparently about 500 international participants are on hand, and a quick scan confirmed that they were probably not first timers. Many came attired in like Ironman Hawaii, Ironman Canada, Team *** etc.... And there were some people who were like just emitting this "pro" aura. Head to toe all super branded etc, then ride off on some 10k bike etc.
Time to catch up on sleep..... Store for Sunday....