I was rather disappointed that I haven't been able to go for a single group ride since the previous Sunday race. Heck, it's been raining and I've been sick, and today when I was game to go for the slack Wednesday Passion Bike ride, I ended up in the chem eng com lab doing mechanical design.... Yeah, it was disappointing.
I ponder why I wasted the whole day doing nothing, when exams are 20 days away. This is ridiculous.... And to make matters worst, I think I'm going ahead with my 'suicidal' (quote jen) plane to ride to Thailand in Dec. Yeah, so I'll try to get a head start on settling my equipment so I can whizz off in a few days once exams are done. Hmmm, must book airticket for return trip too (no time to cycle back mah (yah right...) ) .
Argh, latest realisation is that IA may hit sooner than I want it too. Who knows? And that would put an end to everything...
To end off, here are some pics of my water/dirt proofing of my Chrome:

Basically just 2 plastic shells with slits for the straps.