
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Managed to make myself go swimming twice, and managed to complete 2km each time (but with multiple stops). I should be able to keep a pace of 70sec per lap at the moment. Still trying to get the feel and glide by visualising a downhill swim, and using the entire arm to catch the water.

In general, training has been substandard, touching a bit of each sport but not putting in real quality training. I need to increase the mileage for my running (especially) and cycling, but I don't seem to have the time or energy (I'm pretty satisfied with an average swimming performance). I also lack the high intensity efforts on the bike which I must obtain by turning up for more group rides. In general, I am not recovering fast enough to hit the training intensities required. This suggests a need to increase the amount of rest between trainings. More sleep would certainly help.


At 10:54 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mooore rest!!! more sleeep!!! i like e sound of that!!! yayyy

At 7:17 pm, Blogger enpingy said...

well, it certainly sounds good... but it doesn't equal less training, just less other activities.

At least for now...


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